Friday, November 7, 2008


1. List three low clouds, three middle clouds, three high clouds, and one cloud with vertical development.

high: cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus

middle: altocumulus, altostratus, lenticular

low: stratocumulus, stratus, nimbostratus

vertical: cumulonimbus

2. Which clouds look the best to you?
to me the cloud that looks the best would be the cumulus cloud

3. What kind of weather does that type of cloud bring?
Cumulus clouds can be associated with good or bad weather.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Air Masses

1. What are the four most common air masses that affect the United States' weather?

continental polar, continental tropical, maritime polar, and maritime tropical.

2. Which one brings your favorite kind of weather?

continental tropical

3. List 5 things that you like to do in that kind of weather.

  • go to the beach

  • go to the club

  • go to the movies

  • have parties

  • hang out with friends

Friday, October 24, 2008


1. What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the heating of the Earth due to the presence of greenhouse gases.

2. What are the 3 most common greenhouse gases?

Carbon dioxide, Methane, and Nitrous oxide

3. How are the greenhouse gases produced?

Shorter-wavelength solar radiation from the sun passes through Earth's atmosphere, then is absorbed by the surface of the Earth, causing it to warm.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Offshore Drilling

What is offshore drilling? is the drilling of oil or gas wells into water-covered locations

Why is it good? offshore is good because is cheap

Why is it bad? offshore is bad because the oil can spill

How do you feel about it? i feel good about it because it can help us alot but it can also effect us

Friday, September 19, 2008


The Kilauea volcano is located 19.42°N 155.29°W it is said that the elevation of the kilauea volcano is 4091 ft. There have been no changes at Kilauea volcano. Sulfer diooxide emission rates from both the Halema `uma `u and pu `u `O `o events remain high. Lava continues to flow through tubes. That enter the ocean that is located west of Kalapana.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Recent Disasters

1. Which two articles did you read? I read strong earthquake in Southern Iran kills 4 and Hurricane Ike Delays Cargo for Space Outpost

2. What is the first article about? The first article that i read called strong earthquake in southern iran kills 4 is about this 6.1 magnitude earthquake that hit southern Iran on Wednesday killed about 4 people and wounded about 34 so far.

3. What is the second article about? The second article that I read is about the Russian and U.S space agencies decided to delay a cargo shipment from docking at the International Space Station after Hurricane Ike forced the evacuation of Texas.

4. Which disaster was more disasterous? i would have to say that the more disasterous disaster is the hurricane because more people died and more buildings got destroy.

5. Compare and contrast the two disasters. Earthquake-was a 6.1 magnitude and killed only about 4 people. Hurricane-is a category 3 and it killed more then 25 people for now.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

earthquake answers

1. Where do most of the earthquakes tend to happen? all along the pacific ocean

2. Why do you think that is? because the pacific ocean is the biggest ocean in earth and all the energy is released faster

3. What is this area called?

4. Where is the earthquake closest to North Carolina? in the dominican republic

5. This earthquake was located in offshore atacama, chile the location 26.694°S, 70.754°W the depth 48.1 km (29.9 miles)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


what are the 6 crystal forms? The six crystal forms and they are cubic,tetragonal,hexagonal,orthorhombic,monoclinic,and triclinic. Each of this crystals are unique in their on way. For example they all have different shapes and they are all useful in a different way.